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North Europe to Latin America - Dangerous Goods Premium (DGP)

Due to operational limitations with Dangerous Goods from North Europe to Latin America, we would like to inform you about forthcoming amendment of our “Dangerous Goods Premium” (DGP) charge for all container types, as noted below.

Effective for sailings as of December 15, 2018 and valid until further notice, the DGP from North Europe to Latin America destinations will be as follows:

  • From North Europe to South America East Coast: EUR 125 per Container
  • From North Europe to South America West Coast: EUR 175 per Container
  • From North Europe to C. America and Caribbean: EUR 175 per Container

The Ocean Tariff rates as well as Bunker-related surcharges, Security-related surcharges, Terminal Handling Charges (THCs) remain unchanged respectively as announced and can be found here.

Other local charges and contingency surcharges may apply in addition.

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