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CAF - Application from/to Middle East, Indian Subcontinent and Africa

We wish to inform you that effective for sailings as of April 1, 2019 and valid until further notice, the Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) application from/to Middle East, Indian Subcontinent and Africa will be as follows:

  • Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) application for export shipments from Middle East and ISC
  • Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) application for import shipments to Middle East and ISC
  • Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) application for export and import shipments from/to South Africa and West Africa

The FAK base rates as well as Security related surcharges; Peak Season surcharges (if applicable) and Terminal Handling Charges (THCs) remain unchanged and can be found here.

Other local charges and contingency surcharges may apply.

Important Note:
Please note that all changes, which require a legal 30-day notice, are duly filed and announced in the respective Public Tariffs. This document does not replace the application of the Public Tariff.

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