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Middle East & Africa Operational Updates Week 40

Please find below the latest operational updates for the Middle East, India Subcontinent and Africa. You can also get an overview of more operational updates here.

Indian Ocean Service (IOS)

  • MV Nagoya Express V1343W and MV ONE Henry Hudson will omit Karachi, Pakistan and Hazira, India for schedule recovery measures. Imports to these ports are planned to be discharged in Jebel Ali, UAE for further connection to their final ports of destination.

Indian Ocean Service 3 (IO3)

  • MV Xin Chang Shu voyage V065W will omit Abu Dhabi, UAE and Port Qasim, Pakistan for schedule recovery measures. Imports to these ports will be discharged in Jebel Ali, UAE for further connection to their final ports of destination.

Middle East – India – Africa Service (MIAX)

  • MV AS Cypria V2128E made an additional call to CPT terminal in Cape Town, South Africa for discharging purposes calling Pier 1 Terminal in Durban, South Africa instead of MPT to avoid port congestion.

South Africa Express (SAF)

  • MV Cape Tainaro V NZ138R will omit Cape Town, South Africa.
  • MV Conti Everest V NZ139R will omit Coega, South Africa.

East Africa Service 2 (EA2)

  • CMA deployed 2 vessels to load cargos from Nhava Sheva and Mundra due to CMA CGM Tarpon’s omission of these ports.
  • MV Spil Ningsih voyage 0MDSRW1MA will call Nhava Sheva
  • MV CMA CGM KAILAS voyage 0NL91S1MA will call Mundra
  • Both vessels will make the connection with CMA CGM Tarpon in Jebel Ali, UAE
  • India – Arabian Gulf Service 1 (IG1)
  • MV Songa Iridium will be renamed to AS ALVA expected on October 5, 2021, upon sailing to Shuaiba, Kuwait.

Dakar Express (DEX)

  • The DEX vessel schedules will be adjusted by 1 week later than originally planned, as below:
    • AS Selina voyage 2140S/N expected to arrive in Tangier on October 4, 2021 and in Dakar on October 9, 2021
    • Neuburg voyage 2141S/N expected to arrive in Tangier on October 11, 2021 and in Dakar on October 16, 2021

Indamex 2 (IN2)

  • MV Bea Schulte V003W will omit Port Qasim, Pakistan

Mediterranean West Africa Express (MWX)

  • MV Heron Hunter voyage V2138N will change its rotation to call Apapa before Tincan in Nigeria. The vessel is also planned to leave the service in Algeciras, Spain on voyage 2148S expected to call on December 5, 2021. The round voyage transit time has been reduced from 42 to 35 days from MV Seaspan Ningbo V2148S/N.

Kuwait Feeder (KWF)

  • MV Belgian Express V336E and V337E will make a call to Shuaiba after Shuwaikh in Kuwait.

Red Sea Feeder 3 (RS3)

  • MV Mozart V2139E omitted Port Sudan due to protests that stopped the port operation and returned to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It has since been deployed on voyage 2140E, with the following rotation in the Middle East region: Aqaba, Jordan – Jeddah, Saudi Arabia – Colombo, Sri Lanka – Jebel Ali, UAE – Mundra, India – Port Qasim, Pakistan.  

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