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Shipping from Spain & Italy to Arabian Gulf and Indian Subcontinent? A price announcement is available

Here's a price announcement  for our tariff rates from Spain and Italy to the Arabian Gulf and the Indian Subcontinent. This update will apply for all 20’ and 40’ dry containers, including high cube equipment. This update applies to sailings starting on October 15, 2023 and is valid until further notice.

The details for this increase are listed below:

  • (Italy) 20' Dry containers - all values in USD
From To Current base rate level New base rate level Delta
Genoa Jebel Ali, AE 133 283 150
Genoa Hamad, QA 133 283 150
Genoa Mundra, IN 197 347 150
Genoa Karachi, PK 197 347 150
Genoa Nhava Sheva, IN 197 347 150
  • (Italy) 40' Dry containers (including High Cube) - all values in USD
From To Current base rate level New base rate level Delta
Genoa Jebel Ali, AE 41 191 150
Genoa Hamad, QA 91 241 150
Genoa Mundra, IN 194 344 150
Genoa Karachi, PK 194 344 150
Genoa Nhava Sheva, IN 194 344 150
  • (Spain) 20' Dry containers - all values in USD
From To Current base rate level New base rate level Delta
Barcelona, Valencia Jebel Ali, AE 189 339 150
Barcelona, Valencia Hamad, QA 380 530 150
Barcelona, Valencia Mundra, IN 200 350 150
Barcelona, Valencia Karachi, PK 200 350 150
Barcelona, Valencia Nhava Sheva, IN 200 350 150
  • (Spain) 40' Dry containers (including High Cube) - all values in USD
From To Current base rate level New base rate level Delta
Barcelona, Valencia Jebel Ali, AE 52 202 150
Barcelona, Valencia Hamad, QA 476 626 150
Barcelona, Valencia Mundra, IN 144 294 150
Barcelona, Valencia Karachi, PK 144 294 150
Barcelona, Valencia Nhava Sheva, IN 144 294 150

Please note that these Ocean Tariff rates are subject to the following conditions and surcharges:

  • Validity: until further notice
  • Scope definition, please click here
  • Commodity, please click here
  • Bunker related charges, please click here
  • Security related charges, please click here
  • Terminal Handling charges, please click here
  • Peak Season Surcharge (if applicable), please click here

Please keep in mind that local and contingency charges may also apply.

If you require more information related to Ocean Tariff rates, please visit our tariff section. As an alternative, please contact our teams at your location, who will be glad to guide you based on your individual situation.

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