
Hapag-Lloyd is an organisation with clear structures and a shallow hierarchy allowing short decision-making channels for its customers. Group headquarters is located in Hamburg. Operative business is supported by six regional headquarters: North Europe (Hamburg),  South Europe (Genoa), North America (Atlanta, GA), South America (Viña del Mar), Asia (Singapore; also covers Oceania) and Middle East (Dubai). Also located in Hamburg are divisions such as Network, Fleet, Trade Management, Global Sales, Global Commercial Development, Cargo Service/Dangerous Goods, Treasury & Finance, Legal, Global Procurement, Investor Relations, Human Resources and IT.

The organisation is based on a highly efficient blueprint principle that is identical worldwide. Each Region runs Business Administration, Human Resources, Operations and Sales/Customer service. The Regions in their turn consist of Areas that perform standard functions in the same way. Hapag-Lloyd customers have contacts available at over 400 locations in 139 countries worldwide.

Hapag-Lloyd Regions around the world: three Areas in North America, six areas in Latin America, five areas in South Europe, five areas in North Europe, five areas in Middle east and five areas in Asia