
Pertence a


Revision of Free Time – Mainland China (Update)

With reference to our previous CustomerNEWS regarding the Revision of Free Time in Mainland China, we would like to provide you with an update.

Please be informed that we are fine-tuning the technical solution and as a result, the effective date of the new calculation rule of our free time for China shipments (not inclusive of Hong Kong and Taiwan) will therefore be postponed.
We are working with the stakeholders and will inform you of the revised effective date in the next update.
Until the technical solution is ready, the existing export calculation rule will be maintained as per current setup. For full details, it can be viewed via here.

Export Calculation Rule

Customers will not be responsible for the portion of Detention and/or Storage which is caused by Hapag-Lloyd initiated action including rolls and delays of vessels.
For more information, please contact us at [email protected].

Pertence a
