
Pertence a

Liner Services

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Shipping between the US and Oceania? Our WSN service will call Oakland

On March 11, 2022 we made an update on for our WSN service, connecting the West Coast of North America with Australia and New Zealand. In addition to the fortnightly call at Long Beach, please note the following changes that might impact your cargo plannning:

  • This service will start weekly calls at Oakland (US). This change will start on June 12, 2022 until further notice with MV London Express V.201N / 213S. Please note that this change is applicable for both directions in the service.
  • Seattle (US) will be called twice. One call for cargo discharge and one for loading cargo, with the following rotation: Seattle (US) – Vancouver (CA) – Seattle (US) – Oakland (US) – Auckland (NZ) - Sydney (AU) – Melbourne (AU) – Papeete (PF)
  • The Papeete call has been added on a fortnightly basis for the WSN/PNW loop, starting with MV Synergy Keelung 207N

If you would like to view our vessels’ schedule information, please visit our vessel tracker in our Online Business Suite. As an alternative, please contact our customer service team at your location. They will ensure that you are  

Pertence a

Liner Services

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