User Guide: My Account

If you are a registered user you can change your user data and authorizations for our Online Business services at the 'My Account' service. You have also the ability to change your password for our Online Business services here.

Screen area: My Personal data

If you are a registered Online Business user you can change your personal data here if necessary.
Note: Fields marked with an asterisk are obligatory.

Screen area: My Authorizations

Checkboxes: Online functions

Here you can obtain the Online Business services you have no authorization for yet.

Note: For our service 'Sea Waybill Download' you need to sign a contract before obtaining the authorization for it. Please download it at our 'Sea Waybill Terms and Conditions' section , fill out this contract and send it to your local Hapag-Lloyd office.

Button: Submit

Click the 'Submit' button to send the filled form automatically  to your local Hapag-Lloyd office. Our employees will process your request. After your next logon you should be able to use the Hapag-Lloyd Online Business services.

Screen area: Change your password

Here you can change your password for the Hapag-Lloyd Online Business services.

Enter your old password and then choose your new one, that you need to repeat. Your password should have 8 characters minimum.