General Information

Nesta página você terá uma visão geral sobre as Tarifas da Hapag-Lloyd. Por favor encontre nesta lista o que você está interessado:

Registro da Organização

Nome da Organização: Hapag-Lloyd AG
Registro da Organização no FMC: 005980
Tipo da Organização: VOCC
Endereço: Ballindamm 25, D-20095 Hamburg, Germany

Contato:  Departamento Jurídico em Hamburgo
Telefone: +49 40 30014017                 
FAX: +49  40 30012254

Tarifas Marítimas

A tarifa marítima da Hapag-Lloyd consiste em 2 partes:

  1. Regras e Regulamentos
  2. Tarifas Marítimas e taxas de acordo com as diferentes rotas

Detalhes podem ser encontrados em Registros de Tarifas. Todas as informações contidas nas tarifas são verdadeiras e precisas, e nenhuma alteração ilegal será permitida.

Para informações adicionais referentes a fretes marítimos ou terrestres, por favor contacte o seu respectivo Escritório de Vendas em sua Área.

Tarifas terrestres

As tarifas terrestres da Hapag-Lloyd contém informações sobre fretes terrestres, taxas e adicionais, regras e regulamentos.

Tarifas de Bill of Lading

Para requerimentos legais os Termos e Condições estão impressos nos Bill of Ladings e SeaWaybills.

Termos Essenciais

Termos Essenciais são parte do nosso contrato de serviços.

Taxas Locais / Taxas de Serviço

Por favor veja aqui detalhes por país na lista da respectiva Região/Continente no menu Taxas Locais/Taxas de Serviço

Definition of Freight All Kind (FAK)

For Quick Quotes Spot is currently only offered Freight All Kind (FAK) on certain trades and for certain types of containers: 20ft standard shipping containers, 40ft standard shipping containers, 40ft standard high cube and 40ft non- operated reefer shipping containers. The following container types are excluded: shipper owned containers, reefers (operated), and Special Equipment (In Gauge or Out of Gauge). Quick Quotes Spot is not available for Dangerous Goods nor for cargo with Special Handling such as but not limited to Flexitank, Hides – Wet, Blue, Lithium Battery, Metal Scrap, Logs/Timber, Military Cargo, Foodgrade, Active Carbon, Carbon Black, Charcoal.

Freight all kind (FAK) rates are applicable for all commodities without specific rate guidelines, except for:

  •   IMDG Cargo Classes 1 and 7
  •   Amber Listed Waste (Waste characterized as hazardous under the Basel Convention)
  •   High Value Cargo (Cargo Value exceeding $500.000 per container)
  •   Military, Police or other Government Cargo
  •   Out of Gauge Cargo moving on/in Special Equipment
  •   Shipper Owned Containers including Tanks
  •   Flexitanks
  •   Animal Hides/Skins
  •   Charity or relief goods (including “used” clothing or other used items)
  •   Non-DG carbon / non-DG charcoal
  •   Household goods / personal effects on AL3 service
  •   For exports from Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Fiji, grains/waste/scrap

Additional exceptions for temperature controlled cargo:

  •  Chemicals hazardous or harmless
  •  Ammonia
  •  Hazardous cargo
  •  High Value Pharmaceutical Products (cargo value exceeding USD 500,000 per container)
  •  Blood plasma
  •  Vicks
  •  High value cargo (cargo value as of USD 500,000 per container)
  •  Controlled Atmosphere
  •  Cold Treatment
  •  Restricted reefer commodities, e.g. ammonium, tetramethylammonium hydroxide, raw rubber, mint/menthol, phenol
  •  Fertilizer, lime split, urea, albuminoidal substances, modified starches, enzymes

Sensitive commodities based on the CITES and the IUCN

Hapag-Lloyd's commitment to ethics and sustainability means we refuse to transport sensitive cargoes that pose a risk to endangered species. This decision upholds our reputation as a responsible and ethical shipping company. Hapag-Lloyd has made a commitment to various organisations to protect endangered species and to prohibit all shipments that do not comply with the guidelines of CITES - "Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora" or the IUCN – “International Union for Conservation of Nature” Red List.


Here you will find a list of sensitive goods that are not transported by Hapag-Lloyd:

  • All endangered species according to the IUCN Red List or CITES
  • Abalone shells
  • Cattle, calves, foetal calf serum
  • Crocodile - wild (only farm crocodiles can be accepted and wild crocodile species in Appendix 2 & 3 of CITES with certificates)
  • Dolphin meat
  • Hunting trophies
  • Ivory and products thereof
  • Live turtles
  • Logs/wood CITES-listed
  • Manta rays
  • Mink skin (from farms)
  • Seals - skin, blood, meat, oil Shark and all products associated with or made from Shark (shark fin, shark liver oil, shark powder and its Synonyms: ca map, ca nham, cacao azul, carnuda, dogfish, extraviado, fukahire, fukanohire, mustelus, prionace, sengeh, shayu, tiburon, tintorera, yuchi, etc.)
  • UN 3245 Genetically modified micro-organisms
  • Whale meat / Whale products

If you should require additional information, please contact [email protected], who will guide you based on your individual situation.

Prohibited NOR commodities

Because of the specific construction of reefer containers, some cargo types need to be reviewed for their suitability:

  • Heavy packages with rough/sharp edges and machinery parts that cannot be lashed and secured properly or that could damage the floor. For example, with more than 3 metric tons weight per running meter
  • Soiled and/or odorous cargo such as hides or menthol
  • Cement and other similar powders in bags
  • IMO cargo, unless approved by the DG department
  • Bulk cargo such as grain, scrap metal, etc.
  • Potentially corrosive substances (non-DG)