Kirsten Beskid, Network Operations, is very clear on the desired goals of the CargoMate system, “We wanted to digitalise the cargo operations recording onboard by replacing today's paper logbooks with a digital alternative, supporting the forecasting of cargo operations completion time. Additionally, we aimed to reduce port stay times and improve schedule reliability and optimise shipboard operational procedures (like crew planning) through real-time monitoring of terminal performance with the help of an independent source: the vessel."
Kirsten has internally led the project at Hapag-Lloyd since 2020, with Network Operations having started the program with CargoMate creators in 2017. During the first two years, the prototype was tested on five vessels and valuable crew feedback was incorporated by Intelligent Cargo Systems to further develop the product and its functionality. 2020 saw the system being tested on a wider range of vessels with 2022 marking the rollout to all owned container vessels within the fleet.
How does CargoMate function?
CargoMate digitally monitors cargo operations directly from a vessel using a handheld device operated by the crew who are able to view the entire bayplan and all key cargo information. The device monitors gantry productivity to estimate the scheduled cargo operations completion time in relation to the scheduled departure time. Shore-based teams have online access to almost live forecasting of cargo operations and receive advanced notifications of potential delays or opportunities to sail early based on cargo operations completion times.
Dave Börner, Chief Officer, Frankfurt Express![]()
"Due to our tight port rotation in the GEM service, we are using CargoMate now almost on a daily basis and I may speak for all of our officers and deck crew, that we are used to the system already and are glad to have it onboard, even though it is not yet hundred percent perfect."
The handheld device, managed remotely by Intelligent Cargo Systems, uses a global roaming SIM to connect to any mobile network in port, without integrating into any of the ships’ systems. The web dashboard is accessible online on board or to all port call actors ashore. All parties involved are able to view all vessels undertaking a port call within the fleet and, using data-driven directly from the ships, can see the progress of each port call as it happens including remaining moves, gantry productivity and the estimated time of cargo operations completion. Previous port calls can also be reviewed for comparison purposes to identify trends.
Christopher Rohden, Chief Officer, Cartagena Express![]()
"Up to now, the monitoring of cargo operations on deck has been solely carried out on loading and discharging plans in paper form. As one can imagine, noting and checking the large amounts of cargo and especially dangerous and refrigerated goods on a large container ship like the 'Cartagena Express' can be quite challenging. CargoMate transfers the monitoring of cargo operations on a platform where information such as bay progress, lashing status, cargo moves per hour, et cetera, are easy to be put in on the one hand and universally understandable and accessible on the other hand."
Intelligent Cargo Systems are working closely with Network Operations to continuously develop the product and its functionality using direct feedback from crew and shore-based teams. "With the CargoMate system implemented, an important step in the direction of digitalizing routine tasks onboard container vessels has been made. Having read about recent advancements in the HapagLloyd container tracking technology from the shore side, the ship's officers and crew appreciate that the board side has not been forgotten and is looking forward to future innovations that will simplify the work on board," states Christopher Rohden, Cartagena Express.
Khaled Elmancy, Chief Officer, Al Dahna Express![]()
"In the meantime, the system can also record restows i.e. containers that have to be unloaded and then reloaded and represent a significant time factor. They are now also taken into account."
And the Santos Express knew what it was lacking, when the device needed to be exchanged and the vessel could not use the system for one round voyage: “I must really say, that this tool is missing on board because we cannot properly see the progress of cargo ops and check ETD.”
But there are also others who profit from the CargoMate System:
1. Port Terminal Operations (PTO) and Port Superintendents/ Managers (PSIs/ PSMs)
2. Stowage Planners and Regional Coordination Centers (RCCs)
Kirsten Beskid, Network Operations![]()
"I am looking forward to receiving more feedback from the ships so that myself and the Intelligent Cargo Systems team can further enhance the functionality of CargoMate. Looking ahead, Network Operations is exploring the possibility of incorporating data collected in the Hapag-Lloyd systems for easy consideration in the decision-making processes."