Estratégia de sustentabilidade

At the end of 2021, we presented our sustainability strategy for the next 10 years. It has three areas of focus:

In the past few years, we have already been able to reach some key milestones on the path towards a more sustainable shipping industry. We now want to meet the challenges of the next few years with our comprehensive sustainability strategy and even more ambitious objectives.


We highlight our focus on decarbonisation as a core pillar of strategy 2030.

Sustainability Driver: Fully embracing to environmental responsibility and contributing to keeping global warming within the 1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement, Hapag-Lloyd is committed to reducing absolute greenhouse gas emissions by around one third by 2030 and achieving net-zero fleet operations by 2045. This will be achieved through a range of measures, including fleet modernisation, new propulsion technologies, our Ship Green product and the use of alternative fuels. 

Clean Shipping and Future-proof Propulsion


  • Reducing the absolute GHG emissions of our entire fleet by one third until 2030 compared to 2022 to around ten million tonnes
  • Net-zero greenhouse gas emissions for the entire fleet by 2045 by using alternative fuels
  • With our digital solution Ship Green, you can join us on the path towards climate neutral shipping. Ship Green enables you to switch to biofuel and avoid 25, 50 or 100% of emissions caused on the ocean leg of your shipment. 
  • Continuously reducing the emissions of air pollutants such as sulphur and nitrogen oxide at sea
  • Reducing air pollutant emissions from land transport in pre-carriage and on-carriage


  • Ensuring sustainable standards along the entire supply chain

Diversity & Society


  • Increasing gender diversity across the entire company
  • Increasing cultural diversity even further – especially in management positions and at the headquarters in Hamburg
  • Increasing the number of female employees in management trainee programmes to 50% by 2023
  • Significantly increasing the share of female managers at the first four levels by 2030


  • Promoting the social activities of our employees
  • Focusing on education programmes, humanitarian aid and marine preservation

Compliance and Responsibility


  • Recycling 100% of our own ships sustainably
  • Reducing large-scale waste by 2030: waste generated at Hapag-Lloyd offices is to be gradually reduced and increasingly recycled


  • Focusing on transport safety by ensuring the safety and well-being of crews, cargo and the environment
  • Avoiding losses of containers at sea and on land


  • Zero regulation breaches related to ballast water and released  substances in our own fleet
  • Operating our own ships and charter vessels at consistently high environmental standards as far as legally possible by 2024


Sustainability Policy

Our Sustainability Policy expresses our commitment to protecting the environment, providing the highest service quality, achieving a satisfactory return on capital, and ensuring the safety and well-being of our employees.

Ship Recycling Policy

We are also committed to the sustainable recycling of our ships in accordance with our Ship Recycling Policy.

Modern Slavery Statement

The Hapag-Lloyd Statement on Modern Slavery sets out the steps we have taken to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains. It complies with the requirements of Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Australian Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018. It should be regarded as complementary to the Hapag-Lloyd Global Code of Ethics.