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India - Revision of Export Local Charges, Detention (MHO & MHD), Terminal Handling and Handling Origin

Hapag-Lloyd continues to strive to provide you the most reliable service with a wide coverage connecting the world to and from India.

We are pleased to offer you multiple products from both the East and West Coasts of India.

In order to continue to offer you the best service and coverage, we will be revising our Local charges Tariff in India and can be found online here.

These changes will be effective January 1, 2021 as below.

In addition, we have implemented changes to the Detention Tariff and to the Terminal Handling Tariff in India. These tariffs can be found on our website.

The Handling (Origin) - (HOL) for exports out of India for few corridors have been revised and will also be applicable for all containers moving on Hapag-Lloyd Account effective January 1, 2021 for all trades, valid until further notice.

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