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Canada - Service Interruption - BC, Canada Interior Fires - Update #2

With reference to the latest previous update published on July 7, 2021
Over the weekend, there was a Ministerial Order suspending rail service for 48 hours between Kamloops and Boston Bar, B.C. effective 00:01 PDT on July 9, 2021. This has since ended. Train operations have resumed as scheduled, 00:01 AM PDT on July 11, 2021 in the British Columbia interior.

However, a new Ministerial Order has been issued by the Minister of Transport to enact precautionary safety measures to further protect against wildfires during extreme weather conditions.

The new Order places operational restrictions on CN rail and CP rail lines routing when the fire hazard rating is listed as "extreme" in BC. Restrictions include reduced speed limits and fire mitigation measures. Additionally, the Order requires risk mitigation action by all Class 1 railways throughout Canada when the air temperature is 30°C (86F) or above and the fire hazard level is listed as "extreme".

The Ministerial Order took effect at 00:01 PDT on July 11, 2021 and will remain in effect until October 31, 2021.

Below are separate status for the individual Rail Operators.

CP Rail (CPR):

CPR mainline in British Columbia near Lytton is open.
CP Edmonton - Gates closed for acceptance of empties or loaded export destined to Delta Port.
CP Calgary – Gates closed for empty acceptance
No additional inland export restrictions at this time (under assessment).

CN Rail (CNR):

The CNR mainline outage in British Columbia near Lytton remains in place. Pending assessment on track condition and required repairs remains TBA. Current gate restrictions for Intermodal traffic to Vancouver and BC South are still in effect.

Port Terminals (Vancouver):

Port terminals in Vancouver remain congested and are working at limited capacity due to rail/fire situation.
GCT Delta Port outbound rail footage will be limited. Rail cargo dwell times will be above normal levels.
GCT Delta Port berth congestion continues to impact vessel operations and schedules. Delays of up to 96HRS are to be expected as all partners work towards improving fluidity.


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Ports & Inland