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Shipping from the Indian Subcontinent to the Mediterranean? There are rate changes coming into effect

There is no easy way of saying this: our rates from the ports of Nhava Sheva, Mundra, and Hazira in India to the Mediterranean will increase. With an effective date July 7, 2021, this rate increase applies to all 20’ full container gate ins.

Please find below the details for this General Rate Increase (GRI):

Container type: applies to all general purpose 20’ containers
Rate increase per container: USD 500

For your reference, the geographical scope of these changes is listed as follows:

From Indian Subcontinent: specifically, the ports of Nhava Sheba, Mundra, and Hazira in India.

To Mediterranean: Koper, Slovenia; Rijeka, Croatia; Odessa, Ukraine; Constantza, Turkey; Novorossiysk, Russia; Alexandria and Port Said, Egypt; Ashdod and Haifa, Israel; Beirut, Lebanon; Benghazi, Tripoli and Misurata, Libya; and, Piraeus, Greece.

Kindly find below the all the related changes summarized in a table:

If you require more information related to the above rate changes, please refer to the tariff section of the Hapag-Lloyd website.  

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