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Shipping from the Middle East & Indian Subcontinent to the East Coast of South America? A GRI is coming up

A General Rate Increase (GRI) from the Middle East and Indian Subcontinent to the East Coast of South America is coming up. This GRI is applicable to all cargo transported in all container types from August 15, 2021.

The details for this increase are listed below:

  • USD 1200 per container

If you require more information related to Ocean Tariff rates, please visit the tariff section of our website. As an alternative, please contact our customer service team at your location who will guide you based on your individual situation.

Vessel Estimated Time of Arrival First Loading Port Corresponding Week
YM WORTH September 23, 2021 Pusan, Korea 38
YM WONDERLAND September 30, 2021 Pusan, Korea 39
No vessel October 07, 2021 Pusan, Korea 40
YM WINDOW October 14, 2021 Pusan, Korea 41

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